Testing Guide

We offer you a sandbox environment to test your integration with Tamara. In this section, you will find all the information needed to check and finalize your integration.

Quick Testing Scenarios


Randomize your testing phone numbers, avoid reusing, avoid special numbers.

Please use random phone numbers that are not considered “special numbers”

Special Numbers examples to avoid:

  • 511111111 or 512345678 or 500000000

🇸🇦 KSA - 🇦🇪 UAE Test Cases

Test Case

Phone Number

Card #

Expiry Date




5436 0310 3060 6378

01/99 (01/2099) or any future date




(Not needed, only phone number is required)

(Not needed, only phone number is required)

  • *Multiple Accounts
    linked to card**


4242 4242 4242 4242

Exactly as: 02/42


Advanced Testing

Step 1: Log in/Sign up

1. Phone number will be auto-filled. If you wish to change the phone number, type it in.





Country Code




No. of digits after Country Code

9 Digits (Starting with 5)

9 Digits (Starting with 5)

8 Digits (Starting with 3)

2. Fill in the verification(OTP) code received on the registered phone number.


NO OTP will be sent on Sandbox environment testing.

Just check the T&C box ✅ and click on the Continue button

Step 2: Verify the ID information

The customer has to provide their ID information (for new user checkout, first time only).


During Sandbox checkout testing, please follow these steps:

For 🇸🇦 KSA Nafath ID verification process:

  1. Note: The phone number being used, should be a new and unique one, in KSA format, to trigger the Nafath IDV flow.

    On the Payment Plan page, click on the “Continue to ID Verification” to start Nafath ID verification flow.

  2. Please click on either of the Regenerate ID No. buttons shown on the screen.

  3. On the next screen, please wait till the Nafath ID verification pop-up closes automatically.

  4. Once ID verification has been passed, you will be redirected back to the Payment Plan page. Enter the test card details and complete the transaction.

For 🇦🇪 UAE Uqudo ID verification process:

  1. Note: The phone number being used, should be a new and unique one, in UAE format, to trigger the Uqudo IDV flow.

    Create a Dummy Emirates ID by following the below instructions:

    a. Save the below sample Emirates ID front-side and back-side images on your system.

    b. Photoshop or superimpose your Passport size photo onto the front side image of the above dummy Emirates ID, using the below tools:

    1. Adobe Photoshop, or
    2. Free online Pixlr tool: https://pixlr.com/

    c. Save the edited Emirates ID.


    1. On the Payment Plan page, click on the “Continue to ID Verification” button to start Uqudo ID verification flow.

    2. Upload the dummy Emirates ID created above (Please upload the correct sides, front/back, of the ID on the respective sections), and click on “Next” to proceed.

    iii. On the Facial Verification Step, scan your face centered in the oval present on the screen, following the instructions provided on the screen.

    iv. Note: If there is any error, then the below message will be prompted and the user will need to retry:

    v. Once ID verification has been passed, you will be redirected back to the Payment Plan page. Enter the test card details and complete the transaction.


    1. On the Payment Plan page, click on the “Continue to ID Verification” button to start Uqudo ID verification flow.

    2. Click on the “Begin verification” button to proceed.

    3. Capture the front of the dummy Emirates ID created above and click on the tick icon to proceed.

    4. Then on the next step, capture the back of the dummy Emirates ID and click on the tick icon to proceed.

    5. On the Facial Verification Step, scan your face centered in the oval present on the screen, following the instructions provided on the screen.

    6. Once ID verification has been passed, you will be redirected back to the Payment Plan page. Enter the test card details and complete the transaction.

Step 3: Add card information

Live Testing

Please use any of your actual bank cards, Tamara supports a wide range of card types such as VISA, MasterCard, MADA(🇸🇦 KSA Only) & AMEX(🇸🇦 KSA Only) for customers to choose from.

Sandbox Testing

Success cases

3DS and non 3DS Cards

TypeCard #Expiry DateCVV
3DS4242 4242 4242 4242Recommended: 01/99 (01/2099) or any future date100
3DS4573 8231 6871 0907Recommended: 01/99 (01/2099) or any future date100
Non-3DS4111 1111 1111 1111Recommended: 01/99 (01/2099) or any future date100
Enter **Checkout1!**

Enter Checkout1! if you see this page

American Express(AMEX) Card (🇸🇦 KSA only)

Card #Expiry DateCVV
3456 7890 1234564Recommended: 01/99 (01/2099) or any future date1051

MADA Card (🇸🇦 KSA only)

Card #Expiry DateCVV
4658 5840 9000 0001Recommended: 01/99 (01/2099) or any future date257


Card #Expiry DateCVV
5436 0310 3060 6378Recommended: 01/99 (01/2099) or any future date257

Failure cases

Card Declined(Not working as intended, please ignore)

Card #Expiry DateCVV
4916 7833 9176 0242Recommended: 01/99 (01/2099) or any future date123

Multiple Accounts linked to card

Card #Expiry DateCVV
4242 4242 4242 4242Exactly as: 02/42 (02/2042)100

Prepaid Card

Card #Expiry DateCVV
4543 4740 0224 9996Exactly as: 09/96 (09/2096)95