Understanding Roles and Creating a new role

A role allows a user particular functionality within your Tamara portal so that they can perform a task or set of tasks.

Default roles

Tamara offers some default roles which can be used while creating a new user.

  1. Admin
  2. Finance
  3. Staff
  4. Executive
  5. Instore Staff
  6. Lead Finance
  7. Dispute Manager

Different roles can access different functionalities on the portal called permissions. If a role has specific permission only then that a user with that role can do that action.

Sample comparison of allowed permission for default roles

Sample comparison of allowed permission for default roles

Creating a new role

A role can be created if the default roles don't align with your business need, in a new role you can control which permissions to be given to the that specific custom role.


You can add a new role to your Tamara portal if you're the Admin or have a custom role with permission to "Add role", otherwise you will just see the Compare button.

Navigate to Users > Manage roles > Add role

Zoom in for a better view

Zoom in for a better view

  1. Choose a Role Title in English and/or Arabic and accompanying Description of the role,
  2. Choose the permissions you'd like to allow any user with that role to have,
  3. Click on Create role