Additional Configuration

Order Status Mapping

Tamara Order StatusSFCC Order StatusSFCC Payment StatusSFCC Shipping Status

Order Custom Attributes

These additional custom attributes are defined and stored in the Order object, and will be sent as a part of Order XML, so that the OMS [Order Management System] can use them for further processing. test

Attribute IDTypeDescription
tamaraOrderReferenceIDStringOrder ID on Tamara Payment
tamaraPaymentStatusStringThe payment status from Tamara
tamaraOrderDetailStringThe order information synced from Tamara for every action
tamaraCheckoutURLStringThe Checkout URL return back from Tamara Payment
tamaraSuccessNotificationStringThe success notification URL when place order
tamaraFailureNotificationStringThe failure notification URLwhen place order
tamaraCancelNotificationStringTamara cancel notification URL when place order

TamaraPaymentTypes Custom Object

The information about Payment Types from Tamara are defined and stored in the TamaraPaymentTypes object, and will be utilised to display the available payment methods and widget on the storefront.

Attribute IDTypeDescription
IDStringID of payment type
custom.contentStringContent of the payment type, this is a JSON object

Exception Log

You can get the related exception message for Tamara Payment, in the log file by running the following command:

custom-tamarapayment- (hostname) - appserver - (creation date of the file in GMT).log

Possible LogDescription
total_amount_invalid_limitThe total amount has reached the min/max limit
consumer_empty_first_nameFirst name of the customer is missing
consumer_invalid_phone_numberPhone number of the customer is invalid
consumer_invalid_emailEmail ID of the customer is invalid
consumer_empty_emailEmail ID of the customer is empty
total_amount_invalid_currencyMost likely, the customer is buying from a non-supported country with a non-supported currency and Tamara does not support cross-currencies.
not_supported_delivery_countryDelivery country is not supported