Tamara Partners App
Download Tamara Partners App for your device(s)
Tamara Partners App DOES NOT support sandbox accounts!
Creating Orders
Our payment links solution is offered through the Tamara Partners App

- Login to Tamara Partners App with your credentials(Email Address & Password)
- Click on Create new order button
- Enter amount, customer’s phone number and order reference ID(e.g. Transaction ID, Receipt Number, Order Number...etc)
- SMS with payment link will be sent to customer, wait for the customer to complete the payment or cancel this payment link/transaction, if needed.
- Once customer completes payment on their phone, you will see this payment confirmation page
Refunding Orders
Tamara Partners app offers a seamless refund process

- Click on Refund an order button
- Enter order reference ID(e.g. Transaction ID, Receipt Number, Order Number, Order ID...etc)
- Confirm this is the correct order details that you wish to refund
- Enter amount to be refunded to customer up to 100% of the total amount of the order and enter a comment for reference.
- Amount will be refunded to the customer's payment method
Updated 2 months ago